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We Love Music & Health!

We collaborated with our first natural supplement company in 2014 when we supported artists with Vocal Eze throat spray, but the idea to help musicians stay healthy and perform at peak levels came years earlier. We were always frustrated when we would hear our friends who were on tour have to cancel a show or not perform at their best because of some ailment while on the road. Going from plane to plane, city to city, and being a road warrior is part of the gig and we wanted to make that journey easier for the artists and crew. We kept thinking, “wouldn't it be great if we could get a care package to the band on tour when and where they needed it most?” It would simplify their lives and they could get the natural supplements they needed and wanted to keep them going strong. Out of this simple need and our love of music, health, and the pursuit of the most effective natural ingredients, is how Musician Wellness was born. We have chosen to set up our base in Nashville to be front and center, supporting musicians leading the industry.   

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We are fanatical about improving musicians’ health. We strive to educate minds, create the best resources and love people back to health.  Our passion is to help rockers rock better by feeling good every single day. Dedication to the quality of our products is non-negotiable and will never be compromised. We are curious, dynamic and know that musicians’ success in health will impact the world in even more powerful ways. We are a community that believes artistic contribution leaves the world a more dynamic,  loving and alive place. We are both a business and a culture, unwilling to separate one from the other. We live with courage,  unafraid to go against the grain and step up in the world. Our customers are not only friends, THEY ARE FAMILY.


With our focus on health and wellness, Musician Wellness started by simply offering our favorite products to artists who needed them most. Seeing the need to support musicians and crew on a regular basis, we created a subscription package for people to receive their favorite and most-needed health support wherever they were—at home, in the studio or even on the road! We wanted to make it easy to stay healthy and feel great so that everyone can perform more consistently, more easily and feel better doing it.

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We started with a few products that were our favorite and the most effective we know - - our Vocal Eze, Lip Eze and Pro Tour Nutrition supplements. With many of our customers on the road, in the studios, traveling, it was hard for them to have all of their products with them no matter where they were. We realized that if we could send them a box of the specific things they wanted monthly, they wouldn’t have to be caught ready to go on stage without their energy support or after a concert without their throat spray. We were committed to make it simple, easy and able to be sent wherever necessary. After a bit of time, we realized that there were even more ways we could support our artists and crew, and so we began to expand…



Our customers are the best - they are smart, talented and recognize that their passion and livelihood depend on their ability to stay healthy regularly. Recording, rehearsing, touring and having time with family and friends can take a massive toll on vocals, energy, sleep and immunity, among others.

We expanded from our initial offerings in a smaller box to a full-service wellness concierge service for 3 reasons:

1) To ensure our clients had direct access to the most effective, cleanest wellness products on the market, time-tested and new

2) To streamline the process of finding, ordering and receiving the products no matter where our clients are

3) To reach our artists nationwide, whether on small stages, regular gigs or big productions and tours

Our Musician Wellness team has grown to also include a pharmacist who has a massive expanse of knowledge and hours of studying and advising in homeopathic and natural medicine, who is available for consultations and specific questions. We are continuing to expand to include the healthcare and natural professionals our musicians and crew need the most.

We are here to serve you, as you are part of our family!

Are You Ready to Get Your Remedies Right Now?

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